Christmas Tree Selection and Care
Real Christmas trees have been a focal point of the holiday festivities for over 400 years, bringing the sights, sounds and scents of the holiday together around the Christmas tree. Selection of the tree has progressed from wildings, straight out of the forest, to the professionally grown and sheared trees of today.
Here are a few tips to get the most enjoyment from your tree:
- To check the freshness of your tree gently grasp a branch between your thumb and forefinger and pull toward you. If the tree is fresh very few needles will come off in your hand.
- To store your tree it is best to keep it in a cool dark place, protected from sun and wind.
- Just before you set up your tree, make a fresh cut on the trunk, approximately 1/2 inch from the base. This opens up water vessels in the trunk and allows the tree to absorb water easily. Place the tree in a container of water that holds 1 gallon or more.
- Check the water daily and refill as needed. Keep water level above the base of the trunk at all times. Trees are capable of soaking up to a full gallon of water the first day they are set up. After that, they typically absorb up to a quart of water per day. Don't let the water level drop below the butt because the sap will dry out and close off the water source.
If you are interested in Christmas tree folklore and facts, please go to the National Christmas Tree Association media center to learn more!

22735 Tree Farm Rd., MO 65041